Sunday 27 May 2012

Sunday 27th

We have spent the last few days in the Ria Muros. It is an impressive piece of water four miles wide and seven miles long. we anchored off Muros itself and fell in love with the place. A quaint typical Spannish fishing village ,with narrow windy lanes or alleyways and full of character. It was so nice we stayed for three nights and just chilled.

On Saturday we took the local bus to Santiago de Compestilla. A visit well worth doing. The cthederal is magnificent and is where the remains of the apostle St. James rest. It is a place of pilgrimage and there were hundreds (possibly close to if not more than a thousand) of pilgrims who walk across the North Coast of Spain to Santiago to pay homage, and we arrived by bus as they arrived on foot for a big church service.

The town is beautiful and very historic and interesting.

Tomorrow with a hoped for improvement in the weather we hope to head south to Bayona for a few days and then take favorable winds south down the Portugese coast.

We have loved and strongly recomend Galacia which iss well worth visiting for it s culture, cuissine and exceptional wines. We have eaten so well and inexpensivly.  On our return journey from Santiago we visited a local bar whilst waiting for our connection and we had four glasses of wine (local but by no means plonk) and a beer the total cost four euro!!

Ray & Mandy

1 comment:

  1. Wow, like the photos. I would imagine the dove ended up better fed at some points during the crossing. I know Noah wouldn't have been better watered?! :-) Keep up the good work as we're all enjoying reading your blog and also knowing you're safe. TTFN

    Mark, Erika and Molly
