Our Little car for a Day |
Too Much weather.
We have not been as good at updating the blog so far this year and I am sorry for that but we have lots to say.
On June 24th we were to welcome Audrey and Peter who had enjoyed sailing so much last year they wanted to come again. The wind on June 23rd,24th and 25th was strong northerlies around Mykinos so much so we could not get to the New Port Mykinos so went to the south of the Island to a large Bay with the town of Ornos. we were not alone there were alot of large cruising yachts and motor cruisers all at anchor hiding from the wind.
Audrey & Peter on Naxos
We worried about how we were going to get our guest onboard as our tender is not very big but there were lots of larger tender's belonging to the Super yachts buzzing around taking guest ashore and collecting them could we be that cheeky and ask for a lift? Yes of course we could and 2 lads on a tender helped us out and Audrey & Peter arrived in style.
The next day the wind had stopped this has been our problem too much wind or not enough and even the weather forcast's can catch you out.So we motored to Naxos and spent a very nice day and night there before moving on to the island Syros and the harbour Finikas on the SW end of the island. 3 nights were spent there due to strong winds again and we did not want to frighten any more people.Watching our weather sites and talking to other's we decided to make a break for it on Monday to Andros and then south towards Mykinos. So off we set wind was very light and the swell was across the boat not very comfortable and motoring and not getting anywhere fast ray suggested we divert to Tinos!the wind would be in our favour and it was a shorter trip and on route to Mykinos after other last sail to Tinos I had said never again however on we went to Tinos and it blew the closer we got, Ray's theory that there is an acceleration zone between the 2 islands Seems to be correct, again we arrived on the town quay wet and very glad to be to have arrived.
The next day was spent looking at the sights of Naxos town. Audrey & Peter had 3 more nights with us and the weather again was not being kind force 5/6 northerlies for Thursday and Friday so going to Mykinos in Josephine was not to be so it would be the seajet ferry for them to Mykinos . Therefore we hired a car and went exploring for a day! Tinos is a lovely island to explore we found a beautiful bay with a beach bar and had lunch and Audrey & Peter went swimming .
We remained in Tinos until Sunday when to wind abated and we set off for Syros!!
Our next installment will be from the U.K as we are returning for a while
Ray & Mandy