All good things must come to an end, and so we have with some sadness laid the boat up ashore for the winter.
We have had a wonderful summer of cruising and visited some amazing places. On the way we have had many adventures and met many nice people who have been cruising the same as ourselves.

It now seems a long time ago since we left home in March and flew out to Minorca. Within thirty Min's of arrival we ere in T shirts and shorts and never wore longs again until we flew back at the end of October!
We spent some weeks in Minorca getting the boat ready and left in mid April and sailed to Sardinia. This was perfect timing. The weather was mainly good and Sardinia was uncrowded. We spent a few weeks exploring this wonderful cruising area.
Any body who has not visited Sardinia and its near neighbour Corsica should put them on there list of places to visit.
From Sardinia we moved on to the volcanic islands to the North of Sicily and then down through the straights of Messina to Sicily its self
We left the island of Vulcano and had an exhilarating down wind sail, surfing down waves towards and through the straights, and then down the East Coast of Sicily. Mount Etna was clearly visible and active.
With out a doubt one of the highlights of our year was our visit to Siracusa in Sicily. This beautiful ancient city is amazing. We were so taken with it we stayed for a week and would without hesitation visit again.
From Siracusa we then had our last long passage and after three days we arrived in Argastoli Kefalonia Greece.
We were so taken with the Greek Ionian and its islands that we decided to stay for the rest of the season. We cruised the entire area from Corfu in the north to the Gulf of Corinth. We enjoyed many harbours and anchorages.
Talk of economic problems and civil unrest in Greece should not deter people from visiting this wonderful country. Everywhere we went we were always made welcome by these naturally friendly and helpful people. The scenery is mountainous and stunning.
The boat is now laid up ashore in Cleopatra marina, in Preveza.
Our final week before being lifted out was spent in the area. We ventured into the adjacent inland sea, and had some very interesting and exhilarating sailing.
The organisation and efficiency at Cleopatra is quite impressive. The boat was promptly lifted at exactly the pre arranged time and placed in a secure cradle where she will sit out the winter. She will not be alone as there also a few thousand other boats stored here.
We hope to return in March 2014 to continue our adventure. Our plan is to sail through the Gulf Of Corinth through the Corinthian canal and into the Aegean.
This is our last post of this year. Thank you all for keeping in touch and visiting the blog. It has been very important to us to keep in touch. We will re commence our postings again next year.